military_techFreshman auto_awesome11 favoriteN/A%
place Switzerland, FL
work Research Scientist/Manager
brush Woodwork, playing with my kids, running
accessibility_new Joined 1998-12-01
search Last Seen 2020-06-17 11:32:02.0
visibility Views 0
edit Posts 6
person Followers 0
Graduated from CU in 1974. MS in Medical Ecology -- Univ. of Texas (1975). Ph.D. in Microbiology, Texas A&M (1979). Postdoctoral Associate, University of Maryland. Assistant Professor, Old Dominion Univ.. Associate Professor and Director (Center of Marine Biotechnology), Univ. of Maryland. Group Leader, Microbiological Sciences, Betz Laboratories. Project Manager, Hercules Pulp and Paper Division. Married (Julianna C. Singleton), 6 children (ages 4 months, 5, 6, 8, 9). Living in Jacksonville, FL area for last 6 years. Looking forward to paying significant tuition bills at Clemson for the members of my tribe...